Bad Cleaning Practice That You Need To Stop Doing Now

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Everyone wants to spend more time in a clean space every single day, but do you also consider the fact that using too much detergent, delaying the cleaning process, over using of sponge and wiping things down too often is causing us to do more household chores. Let’s all find out some of those things in each areas that we always do and unknowingly, making it a bad cleaning practice.

** Laundry area **

Adding extra laundry detergent

When it comes to washing clothes, we all think that adding an extra laundry detergent will give us better results like making our whites whiter, more fabric softener will give more fragrance, but it’s wrong. Pouring too much of detergent can slow down the cleaning and dirt or stains can get trapped and not washed away because of the fabric became so soft.

Wash clothing after every single use

There are clothing items that can be washed after 2-3 times of being worn like jeans, heavy leather jackets, bedding, towel, shoes and etc. Over washing and over drying can lead to color fading and fabric become weaker. It will be best if you set up a plan and routine as to when you should wash those items.

Avoiding the hot-water cycle

Cold-water cycle is truly a money and energy saver but do you realize that using this cycle is less effective at destroying bacteria, viruses and even allergens. Thinking you could save more yet, you are just letting dirt stay and stuck on your soiled clothes. It is recommended to choose hot water when washing sheets and towels, and drying it on a high heat to kick up the cleaning power.

Leaving wet laundry sitting

Because we are busy working everyday, some of us are just throwing a load of laundry in the machine before leaving for work and then forget about it. Knowing the number of hours you leave those damp clothes, they all became stinky, gross and moldy which will require you to wash it again in order to get rid of the nasty smell.

It is better to for us to set up a routine or a calendar schedule so your focus is there and will prevent any of these incident that will also waste time, water and energy.

** Bathroom area **

Cleaning grout with vinegar

White vinegar is really a household cleaning savior, it is great and non-toxic solution that you can use in every corners. Surprisingly, this doesn't really work on grout in kitchen or bathroom tiles, while vinegar is great for cleaning the tiles, the cement-based grout is alkaline-based and can be dissolved by the acids in vinegar. You'll never notice it until you see a crumbling grout in the long run.

Taking hot shower for over 15 minutes

Can’t get enough of having a relaxing hot shower, especially in a cold winter days? Yes, it can be hard to step out of the shower if that so — but running hot water for too long in your bathroom creates a moist environment where mold and mildew will rise up. Do your hot shower routine for not over 15 minutes and always open the window to let cool air in.

Leaving your shower curtain and towels huddled

In relation to taking a long bath with hot shower can create moisture, this is also the same with leaving your shower curtain and towels rolled together. Mold can grow and build up if wet. Let the shower curtain fully close after each shower, allowing it to dry properly and hang the towel properly to let it dry.

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Using one chopping board for food preparation

When cooking a full meal, it involves many produce like meats, fish, vegetable and other ingredients but if you only use one chopping board, you’re at high risk of spreading germs and bacteria that could lead to food contamination. In order to avoid this from happening, set a color coded chopping boards for all type of produce from meats to vegetable.

Using sponge for too long

Yes, we use it for cleaning the dishes and having it washed every single time makes us think that it’s all cleaned, too. Microbiologist says, it is one of the dirtiest things at home and a haven of all germs most specially if it’s left damp and didn’t let it dry. You should be changing your sponge around once a week to minimize the build-up.

Leaving dirty dishes to soak in the sink

Soaking your dishes for a long time could get more germs and inviting all types of bacteria stayed in your sink. Imagine, you are eating off them and that is something you’ll definitely want to avoid. There’s a lot of harm may happen to your health if you do it regularly or as a habit.


Using bleach at all times

While it is a good disinfectant, too much using of bleach or harsh cleaners can be dangerous. It could leave residue that makes your family or pet unsafe. Choose a cleaning product that has no sting effect while you disinfect.

Started cleaning the down part

We all want the chores to be done immediately and often start to those reachable area and not starting from the top — going down. The best example is, vacuuming the floors without dusting. Do a lot of dusting first before you clean the floors.

Allowing the clutter or cleaning job to become massive

Most of us do this everyday, maybe because of the work schedule but setting aside all the cleaning task for a long time could be a headache. When it get massive, there’s a lot of work to do and will eat up your day.

It’s best if your family sets a plan and routine for each member as to when the chore needs to be done in that way everyone won’t feel overwhelmed.

IGnoring product instructions

When we know how a cleaning product works, we tend to not give a chance to read the instructions. The manufacturers have recommendations on how to use the product like how much you need, and where it should be used. So if the guide says, 1 cap full of detergent for 1 load of cloth, don’t double it. It won’t give you better result but another cleaning routine instead.

Delaying the cleaning process

In relation to always read and follow products’ guide, it is also important to stick with the estimated time given on the directions. Like if your glass cleaner needs to sit 2-3 minutes only before wiping it down, this shouldn’t take more than that estimated time or else you glass will have a discoloration.

These examples are the common wrong habits that people keep on doing on their household chores. Setting up a plan for all of your home duties will give you a peaceful mind. Avoid these things and we’ll make sure that you’re home will give you pleasant smell and uncluttered rooms.

Need someone to do these chores regularly? Maid Share is equipped on doing cleaning household, let us be of your service.

Do you have allergies and wanted to get rid of it? Take time to read the next article, this is helpful for those who suffer with allergies.